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Android app sign in and unlock

App unlocks:

Before we begin I'll try to explain something that trips up some people.

Emby charges for their app. After a trial period you will see a message similar to "Premiere Device Limit Exceeded". In order to continue watching after this trial you will need to purchase an app unlock from Emby.

Do NOT purchase Emby Premiere.

The app unlock and Emby Premiere are separate things. Emby Premiere is something I buy for the server. You only need to purchase the one time $5 fee to unlock the app you're trying to watch on. 

This app unlock fee doesn't go to me. It goes to the Emby development team. After purchasing the unlock, it will be unlocked for that 'platform' on any device that uses that app store account. So be sure that if you have multiple android or apple devices, you sign into the Google Play or Apple App store with the same account that purchased the unlock to avoid having to pay for it more than once.

Your unlock experience will be different depending on the device you are watching from, but all the apps are similar to the pictures below


Signing into Emby:

To download the app for your device. If you do not know where to find your app visit the "Where to Download" guide here:

After the app is installed you will see a screen similar to this. Click the "Skip" button on this page. 


You will need to enter the server address in the "Host" section. Enter the server address exactly like this:

Do NOT forget the "s" in https, and do not add a trailing "/" to the end of the server address. This will prevent you from signing in if you do.

Leave the "Port" section blank.


After entering the server address, you'll be taken to the sign in page.  


The Username and Password fields use your credentials you received after signing up on Discord. If you've forgotten your password or cannot log in, double check you are using the correct Username and not your email.

If you're still having issues, reach out to @Captain Cruv in the #emby-support channel on Discord