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iOS app sign in

To download the app from the Appstore or on your mobileiOS device clickgo here: this




the app is installed you will see a screen similar to this. Click the "Skip" button on this page. 


Once installed, you will need to enter the server address. Enter the server address exactly like this:

Do NOT forget the "s" in https, and do not add a trailing "/" to the end of the server address. This will prevent you from reaching the sign in page if you do.


After entering the server address, you'll be taken to the sign in page.  


The UserUsername and Password fields use your credentials you createdreceived whileafter signing up viaon WizarrDiscord.

If you've forgotten your password or cannot log in, double check you are using the correct Username. If you're still having issues, reach out to @Captain Cruv in the #support-chat#emby-support inchannel on Discord